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What Level Do You Get Legendary Gear in Anthem UPDATED

What Level Do You Get Legendary Gear in Anthem

Canticle Trophy Roadmap


Welcome to the Anthem Bays Guide! The trophy list is adequately straightforward. You lot must consummate all missions in the game, practice all Tier I weapon challenges (27 Weapons) and Tier I Gear challenges (4 Character Classes). You must also attain Masterwork condition with your Javelin which is for getting skilful endgame gear. Other than that at that place are 300 Collectibles required for a gold trophy so be prepared to collect a lot. Below is an overview of what you tin can expect and how long each footstep will have:

  • All story-related mission trophies & Rank 30 = 20 hours (depending on difficulty).
  • All Weapon Challenges = 0 hours when combined with primary missions, 3-4 hours when farming information technology in open globe (can also be combined with farming for Mastercrafted Gear). At that place are 27 Weapons, you demand to do 50 kills with each weapon = 1350 kills total.
  • All Gear Challenges = 5-ten hours. In that location are iv classes, each has 12 gear challenges which require at least xx mission playthroughs per class. Try to finish at least one form during the primary story. You tin can grind out the rest on piece of cake difficulty missions or open up earth events (twenty missions x seven minutes per mission / event = 140 minutes per character class. seven hours for three classes).
  • Masterwork Javelin = five-x+ hours (dependent on luck). This is the endgame grind. You need to grind for Masterwork Gear past replaying Strongholds etc. on Grandmaster difficulty. You will get at least 3 Masterwork Items per 60 minutes. Yous need to have a Masterwork item in 10 gear slots, but information technology'south random for which slot you an particular drops. So you demand to go lucky that it drops what you lot need.
  • Collectibles = 7 hours. There are 300 Collectibles. If you lot get i Collectible per infinitesimal that'southward v hours. Plus 2 hours for the Districts, Hidden Places and Landmarks.

Step 1: Play all Story Missions & Contracts, piece of work on Gear Challenges & Weapon Challenges

15 trophies are story-related. You just have to complete all principal missions and contracts in the game. Yous accept new missions in Fort Tarsis by talking to the people there (the hub area). After doing 1 mission the next volition go available. What difficulty you play on doesn't really matter, only hard is recommended to get meliorate gear. Hard difficulty is nevertheless very doable when playing in a group.

As y'all play, make sure to switch your gear every four missions to consummate the different Javelin Gear challenges. In that location are 4 Javelins (character classes): Ranger, Colossus, Storm, Interceptor. You must complete 12 gear challenges with each class. The gear challenges are still: finish iv missions with the respective slice of gear equipped. You can equip 3 different gear pieces simultaneously. Make sure you ever switch to new gear after having played iv missions. You tin track these under Challenges > Gear (note: there are reports that after mean solar day-1 patch you must have beaten story mission "Old Friends" to see these challenges).

Weapon challenges require you to do 50 kills with each weapon. There are 27 weapons so that's 1350 kills. Just make sure you lot kill all enemies with your weapons and don't simply use melee or special attacks. When you lot've done 50 kills with a weapon switch to a unlike i before the side by side mission. Y'all tin can track these under Challenges > Weapons (annotation: there are reports that after twenty-four hours-one patch you must accept beaten story mission "Former Friends" to encounter these challenges).

Step two: Masterwork Javelin

After you're done with all unique story missions and faction contracts you should exist Rank xxx (if not, farm XP via Quickplay). At Rank 30 you unlock Grandmaster difficulty. Grind out masterwork gear to increase your Javelin level to "Masterwork". See trophy "Master Talent" for best methods. Be sure to stick to the same graphic symbol form. The reason for this is that you only become item drops for the class you're playing with. You can keep rails of your Javelin rarity at the Forge.

Pace 3: Collectibles

There are 300 Collectibles in Anthem. Y'all need all of them. Refer to bays "No Stone Unturned". You can track them under Challenges > Exploration > Bastion Collectibles.
The collectibles too give you some loyalty XP which helps to achieve Level iii loyalty with all factions.

Furthermore, there's one bays per region for finding all the Landmarks, Districts, and Subconscious Places (102 items total). Y'all can track those under Challenges > Exploration > Bastion Regions. Refer the respective region trophies in the Trophy Guide below.

Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:

  • Anthem – Collectibles Guide (All Collectible Locations)
  • Anthem – Where to find Ember for Lighting a Fire Mission
  • Canticle – How to Recover Freelancer Gear for A Helping Hand Mission
  • Canticle – Tombs of the Legionnaires Claiming Guide

Anthem Trophy Guide

Collect all Trophies.
Earn all other trophies in Anthem to unlock Platinum (DLC non required).
No Stone Unturned
Complete all Bastion Collectibles challenges.
In that location are 300 Collectibles in Anthem. You must find all of them for this trophy. You can rails them under Challenges > Exploration > Breastwork Collectibles. Below is a list of all challenges and how many collectibles in that location are per category. It's worth noting that "Mederines' Disciple" and "Subconscious Letters" take multiple claiming tiers. Afterwards having institute x of their collectibles the challenge proper name changes and y'all demand to find more than of them.

What's great is that all of the Intel & Archive Collectibles respawn when you die (the ones that have 25 each) and they tin can be collected in the same place again. This volition update the collectible counter and yet earn you the trophy. You can simply find the same one 25 times!

Finding all unique collectibles is not needed and has too many complications anyhow. When some other player in free-roam picks upward a collectible it volition disappear in your game. Furthermore, not all collectible types spawn on each freeplay. Only certain types spawn. So you lot could walk around for hours and never find items of certain types plus somebody might accept picked information technology up before you and then it's gone. That'south why it's improve to just subcontract the same route. Refer to the Anthem Collectibles Guide for farming routes.

The lxxx Misplaced Writings and lxxx Hidden Messages don't respawn. Even so, if yous missed a few you lot can create a new Pilot and and so they respawn. They are really easy to notice. Only get about 40-fifty of them and brand a new pilot to grab the rest (after you lot're washed with all other trophies, go on this for last).

The x Overlooks and four Tombs of the Legionnaires you lot can't farm, you have to find all of those.

  • Arcanist Athenaeum = All 25 Arcanist Athenaeum constitute
  • Dominion Intel = All 25 Dominion Intel establish
  • Outlaw History = All 25 Outlaw Intel found
  • Scar Intel = All 25 Scar Intel found
  • Picket Archives = All 25 Sentinel Archives found
  • Mederines' Disciple (10) / Mederines' Order (+30) / Mederines' Peer (+40) = 10 + 30 + twoscore Misplaced Writings establish. With each challenge tier the counter resets, you must find all 80 of these for the trophy!
  • Hidden Messages (10) / Footsteps of Idris (+20) / Vasaa'south Triumph (+fifty)= 10 + twenty + 50 Runes constitute. With each challenge tier the counter resets, you must find all 80 of these for the trophy!
  • Grave Historian = All four Tombs of the Legionnaires found and completed (» Tombs of the Legionnaires Locations)
  • Trailblazer = All 10 Overlooks found
  • The Clam Before The Storm = i Mollusk (not needed for the trophy)

» Anthem Collectibles Guide (All Collectible Locations)

A Royal Favor
Complete Dax'southward Emerald Completeness story.
Automatic story-related trophy. Complete of all Dax'due south missions / contracts.
Triple Threat
Complete Matthias'south Triple Threat story.
Automatic story-related trophy. Complete of all Matthias's missions / contracts.
Comrades in Arms
Consummate Part ane of Brin's Need to Know story.
Automated story-related bays. Complete of all Brins'southward missions / contracts.
Military Pursuits
Complete Part 2 of Brin'south Need to Know story.
Automatic story-related trophy. Complete of all Brin'southward missions / contracts.
Arcanist Mysteries
Complete Matthias'south Search for Knowledge story.
Automatic story-related trophy. Complete of all Matthias's missions / contracts.
Scholarly Pursuits
Complete Matthias'south Riddles of Raban Maur story.
Automatic story-related bays. Complete of all Matthias'south missions / contracts.
Restoring Celebrity
Consummate Yarrow'south Keeping Promises story.
Automatic story-related bays. Complete of all Yarrow's missions / contracts.
Honorable Pursuits
Complete Yarrow's Shallow Grave story.
Automated story-related trophy. Complete of all Yarrow'southward missions / contracts.
Early Warnings
Complete Early Warnings.
Automatic story-related bays. Terminate the main story mission "Early Warnings".
Complete Incursion.
Automatic story-related trophy. End the main story mission "Incursion".
Finding One-time Friends
Consummate Finding One-time Friends.
Automatic story-related trophy. End the chief story mission "Old Friends".
The Tomb of General Tarsis
Consummate The Tomb of General Tarsis.
Automatic story-related trophy. Finish the principal story mission "The Tomb of General Tarsis". After rescuing Faye in main mission "Old Friends" talk to her in the basement of Fort Tarsis. She volition mark iv Tombs of the Legionnaires on your map (run across Tomb Locations). Each requires you to do a bunch of challenges as listed below. Afterwards doing all of these y'all unlock the 5th Tomb of General Tarsis, which is a new story mission. All of these tombs are mandatory to advance the story, they are a required part of the story.

Trial of Gawnes:

  • fifty Melee Defeats = Use Melee Attacks to defeat enemies
  • 50 Ultimate Defeats = Employ your Javelin'south Ultimate ability to defeat 50 enemies. Your ultimate attack is displayed in the lesser right corner of the screen via a yellowish bar that needs to accuse upwards first. It charges automatically over time. It's the most powerful assault you have. Endeavour to utilize it when there are large crowds of enemies in your path.
  • iii Legendary Defeats = Legendaries are the toughest boss enemies with a yellow health bar. They are the bosses in Strongholds and sure missions or contracts.

Trial of Artina:

  • 5 Earth Events = Fly around the open world and you'll randomly run across "earth events" which will be highlighted by a purple mark. Do any 5 of those.
  • 30 Weapon Defeats = Defeat 30 enemies using firearms
  • xv Weak Point Defeats = Kill 15 enemies by shooting their weakpoint. When you shoot the weakpoint the damage numbers (hitpoints) will have yellow color (the numbers that show the harm you did with each hitting). When you constitute an enemy'south weakpoint but focus on that. It's frequently something on their back or their head, but varies with each enemy blazon. Should come naturally without fifty-fifty trying.
  • ix Elite Defeats = Yous automatically run across Aristocracy enemies during Strongholds and certain missions or contracts. They have the prefix "Elite" in their name (text above their head) and are tougher than other enemies. This should come naturally without even trying.

Trial of Yvenia:

  • 15 Treasure Chests = Open up fifteen Treasures Chests. You find them effectually the open world merely a reliable style to get them is from globe events (which randomly appear in the open world via a royal icon). Yous tin can merely farm unlike world events and will get a treasure chest at the terminate. Exist sure that yous are the player who opens the chest as information technology doesn't rails properly when someone else opens it for you lot. While you lot wait for new World Events to appear just fly around and open any treasure chest you can discover, there are plenty of them around the open world.
  • 25 Harvests = Harvest 25 Organic Materials / Minerals etc. from deposits in the open earth. During open up globe exploration you can detect plants that are harvestable. There are also red crystals deposits that can be harvested for minerals. You detect these pretty much anywhere, but a bully farming spot is "Eastward Gate" in the elevation right corner of the map, there are lots of red crystals there.
  • 3 Javelins repaired = During Expeditions / Missions / Contracts, revive 3 fallen allies. Subsequently a teammate's health has depleted, just walk upwardly to them to "repair" (revive) them. An piece of cake way to farm this is from Strongholds on hard difficulty. Hang back and wait for your teammates to go downwards.
  • 10 Collectibles = Found any ten Collectibles in the open globe. You tin find 10 in the aforementioned cave where the archway to Yvenia's tomb is. There are 4 dark-green lights on the walls ("Hidden Messages"), and 6 text documents ("Mederines Disciple") all in this 1 cave. And then really just search in that cave and you lot don't accept to expect any further than that. Only takes 1 minute to collect these.

Trial of Cariff:

  • 3 Missions = Completed any three missions, happens automatically when advancing the story. This was automatically completed for me by the time I even unlocked the Tombs from Faye.
  • 30 Gear Defeats = Every Javlin has different "special attacks" such every bit grenades. They are displayed in the bottom correct corner of the HUD. Apply 30 special gear pieces to defeat enemies. You lot can change the gear at the Forge.
  • fifteen Combo Triggers = Combos are triggered when combining unlike elemental attacks. Utilise special gear that adds elemental effects or wait for your teammates to prepare up an enemy for a combo attack. This includes ice, acrid, fire etc. Melee attacks tin trigger chain reactions too (after an enemy was prepared with elemental attacks). This should come fairly naturally if you utilize a lot of elemental gear. When you've done information technology correctly it fifty-fifty says "Philharmonic" to a higher place the enemies' heads. Combos deal a lot of actress harm and oft result in instant-kills on smaller enemies.
  • 3 Multi-Kills = Kill multiple enemies at the aforementioned time. This is all-time washed with attacks that encompass a wider area. The melee assault of the Colossus works well for information technology, or utilise any Javelin's Ultimate Power (the yellow bar in bottom right corner of HUD) to defeat multiple enemies simultaneously.

Afterward doing all trials you tin can enter each tomb and loot the sarcophagus inside. After doing this to all iv tombs return to Fort Tarsis to showtime the story mission for the last Tomb.

The Fortress of Dawn
Complete The Fortress of Dawn.
Automated story-related trophy. Finish the main story mission "Fortress of Dawn".
Freelancer Downwardly
Complete Freelancer Down.
Automatic story-related trophy. Finish the main story mission "Freelancer Down".
Return to the Middle of Rage
Complete Return to the Heart of Rage.
Automatic story-related trophy. End the main story mission "Heart of Rage".
Uncommon Talent
Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with an uncommon javelin rarity.
See trophy "Master Talent".
Rare Talent
Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with a rare javelin rarity.
See trophy "Principal Talent".
Epic Talent
Consummate a mission, contract, or stronghold with an epic javelin rarity.
See trophy "Master Talent".
Master Talent
Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with a masterwork javelin rarity.
The Javelin is your character class (there are four classes total). Y'all tin see the rarity level at the Forge. To increase the Rarity, get higher-level gear and also rarer gear. Practice not misfile this with your principal rank (Rank 30 is the maximum). The Javelin Rarity is different, it shows how strong your Javelin actually is. To reach Masterwork Status you demand to be Javelin level 486. Exist sure to stick to the same graphic symbol form when farming Masterwork gear. The reason for this is that you only get item drops for the class y'all're playing with.
  • Uncommon (Light-green) = 84 Points
  • Rare (Blueish) = 240 Points
  • Epic (Purple) = 395 Points
  • Masterwork (Xanthous) = 486 Points

Here's how it works:

  1. You have 11 Gear slots. Your Javelin Level is the combined level of all equipped Gear. Epic (purple) is capped at level 36. Masterwork (orangish) is capped at level 45. Legendary (yellow) is capped at level 47.
  2. In order to get 486 points y'all need at to the lowest degree 10 Masterwork items equipped (x x level 45 = 450 levels) and one Epic detail (1 10 level 36 = 36 levels). 450 + 36 = 486. Y'all do not need whatever legendary items for this. You don't even need a full set of eleven Masterwork pieces, one of them can be Ballsy rarity.

Roadmap to Masterwork status:

  1. Get to Rank xxx: First yous must attain Rank 30 to unlock Grandmaster difficulty. Certain Masterwork items simply drop on Grandmaster difficulty. Afterwards doing all story trophies and trophy-related side quests yous should be Rank thirty. If non, the fastest way to level upwards is to join ongoing missions via Freeplay. It will often spawn you at the end of an ongoing mission and so you don't have to sit through the whole thing (but you get the full XP advantage regardless). You lot can gain i rank per 15 minutes on boilerplate.
  2. Go to Javelin Level 400+ (Epic): Afterwards you're rank 30 play exclusively on Grandmaster I difficulty. It's recommended to farm open earth enemies and open earth events for easy gear drops until you've all gear slots on epic. The way boodle levels work is that you receive something at to the lowest degree 1 level higher than what y'all have equipped. Yous won't go level 45 masterwork drops right away. You must build towards this by first getting epic (regal) drops to increase your Javelin level. At actor Rank 30 you should be getting mostly regal gear which caps out at item level 36. The recommended starting point for Strongholds is Javelin level 400+. At this betoken y'all will see a lot more than Masterwork gear dropping.
  3. Farm Level 45 Masterwork Gear to accomplish Javelin Level 486+: The near reliable way at launch (Feb 22nd, 2019) is to repeat the Stronghold "Tyrant Mines" on Grandmaster I difficulty. The endboss always drops one Masterwork Gear and there'south a skillful chance (about 50%) that an enemy or treasure chest in the Stronghold will drop yet another Masterwork item along the fashion. This takes nigh xxx minutes per playthrough with a well-equipped coordinated group. On boilerplate you become 3 Masterwork Gear pieces per 2 playthroughs. Legendary Contracts (purple quests in Fort Tarsis) always give a guaranteed Masterwork item at the end as reward and are quicker to do, always do these when available (must commencement reach Loyalty Level 3 to unlock these). Freeplay on GM1 also has a good chance to drop Masterwork Gear from legendary enemies and world events, merely this is a lot more random and luck-based than the Strongholds & Legendary Contracts. Ever stick to GM1 difficulty, it's the nigh effective. Grandmaster II takes much longer to complete and even though it has higher droprates, the fact it takes three times longer per Stronghold makes it less effective.

To summarize: Later on reaching level 400 just farm the Tryant Mines Stronghold on Grandmaster I difficulty. It is the well-nigh reliable method. Stick with Grandmaster I difficulty. Grandmaster Two is not worth it as information technology takes likewise long.

Remember that it's random what sort of gear type it drops (weapon or component etc). So it'southward besides depending on luck. You might get unlucky and receive more Masterwork weapons than you need just not observe whatsoever Support Gear. It can take a while to become the missing piece y'all need. The good news is that one item slot can be epic for Level 486 so you don't need all 11 slots masterworked. If y'all're super lucky (unlikely) and don't get any duplicates information technology would take effectually three-4 hours for 10 Masterwork Gear Pieces (1 Stronghold playthroughs takes 30min, gives 1.5 Masterworks = 3 Masterworks per Hour = 12 in 4 Hours). Realistically you're looking at a 10 hr grind later reaching Rank 30.

Assault Artisan
Complete 3 Assault Rifle I Challenges
There are 3 Attack Rifles in Anthem. You must kill 50 enemies with each of them to complete the offset challenge of all 3:
  • Warden I = fifty Enemies Defeated
  • Hammerhead I = l Enemies Defeated
  • Defender I = l Enemies Defeated

The progress can exist tracked under Challenges > Weapons. When you've done enough kills with a weapon pick a new one for the next mission. To brand this become faster, kill enemies only with your weapons and avoid using Javelin skills or melee attacks. The dissimilar weapons are random enemy drops and mission rewards. The fastest mode to subcontract kills is in the open world on easy difficulty. There are lots of enemies establish in Eastern Attain region. Y'all tin farm 100 kills for two weapons in about ten minutes + 5 minutes loading times, irresolute weapons and traveling back. That'due south roughly 7.5 minutes per weapon.

Light Machine Gun Lover
Consummate 3 Light Machine Gun I Challenges
There are 3 Low-cal Machine Guns in Anthem. You must kill 50 enemies with each of them to complete the first challenge of all 3:
  • Havoc I = 50 Enemies Defeated
  • Relentless I = l Enemies Defeated
  • Sledgehammer I = 50 Enemies Defeated

The progress can be tracked nether Challenges > Weapons. When you've washed enough kills with a weapon pick a new 1 for the next mission. To make this go faster, kill enemies just with your weapons and avoid using Javelin skills or melee attacks. The different weapons are random enemy drops and mission rewards. The fastest way to farm kills is in the open world on easy difficulty. There are lots of enemies plant in Eastern Reach region. Y'all can farm 100 kills for two weapons in about 10 minutes + five minutes loading times, changing weapons and traveling dorsum. That's roughly 7.v minutes per weapon.

Born in Battle
Complete three Marksman Rifle I Challenges
At that place are 3 Marksman Rifles in Anthem. You must impale 50 enemies with each of them to consummate the first challenge of all 3:
  • Anvil I = 50 Enemies Defeated
  • Guardian I = fifty Enemies Defeated
  • Picket I = 50 Enemies Defeated

The progress can exist tracked under Challenges > Weapons. When you've done enough kills with a weapon pick a new one for the next mission. To make this go faster, kill enemies but with your weapons and avoid using Javelin skills or melee attacks. The different weapons are random enemy drops and mission rewards. The fastest way to farm kills is in the open world on piece of cake difficulty. There are lots of enemies found in Eastern Reach region. You tin can farm 100 kills for 2 weapons in virtually 10 minutes + five minutes loading times, changing weapons and traveling back. That'southward roughly 7.five minutes per weapon.

Straight Shooter
Complete 3 Machine Pistol I Challenges
There are 3 Machine Pistols in Canticle. You must kill l enemies with each of them to complete the beginning challenge of all 3:
  • Fulcrum I = fifty Enemies Defeated
  • Hailstorm I = fifty Enemies Defeated
  • Trajector I = fifty Enemies Defeated

The progress tin be tracked under Challenges > Weapons. When you've done enough kills with a weapon pick a new one for the next mission. To make this go faster, kill enemies only with your weapons and avoid using Javelin skills or melee attacks. The different weapons are random enemy drops and mission rewards. The fastest way to farm kills is in the open world on easy difficulty. There are lots of enemies found in Eastern Accomplish region. You can farm 100 kills for ii weapons in almost 10 minutes + 5 minutes loading times, changing weapons and traveling back. That's roughly 7.five minutes per weapon.

Pistol Whipped
Consummate three Heavy Pistol I Challenges
In that location are 3 Heavy Pistols in Canticle. You must kill l enemies with each of them to complete the start challenge of all three:
  • Barrage I = 50 Enemies Defeated
  • Blastback I = fifty Enemies Defeated
  • Resolution I = 50 Enemies Defeated

The progress can be tracked nether Challenges > Weapons. When you've done enough kills with a weapon option a new one for the side by side mission. To make this go faster, kill enemies but with your weapons and avoid using Javelin skills or melee attacks. The different weapons are random enemy drops and mission rewards. The fastest mode to farm kills is in the open world on easy difficulty. At that place are lots of enemies found in Eastern Reach region. You can farm 100 kills for 2 weapons in nigh ten minutes + v minutes loading times, changing weapons and traveling back. That'southward roughly seven.five minutes per weapon.

I Call Shotgun
Consummate 3 Shotgun I Challenges
In that location are 3 Shotguns in Anthem. You lot must kill 50 enemies with each of them to consummate the commencement challenge of all 3:
  • Vengeance I = l Enemies Defeated
  • Constrictor I = 50 Enemies Defeated
  • Scattershot I = 50 Enemies Defeated

The progress can be tracked nether Challenges > Weapons. When you lot've done enough kills with a weapon selection a new one for the next mission. To make this get faster, kill enemies but with your weapons and avoid using Javelin skills or melee attacks. The different weapons are random enemy drops and mission rewards. The fastest way to farm kills is in the open world on like shooting fish in a barrel difficulty. There are lots of enemies plant in Eastern Reach region. Yous tin can farm 100 kills for two weapons in about 10 minutes + 5 minutes loading times, changing weapons and traveling dorsum. That'due south roughly 7.five minutes per weapon.

Sniper Ace
Complete 3 Sniper Rifle I Challenges
In that location are three Sniper Rifles in Canticle. You must kill 50 enemies with each of them to consummate the beginning challenge of all 3:
  • Deadeye I = fifty Enemies Defeated
  • Devestator I = 50 Enemies Defeated
  • Whirlwind I = 50 Enemies Defeated

The progress tin can be tracked under Challenges > Weapons. When you've done enough kills with a weapon option a new one for the adjacent mission. To make this go faster, kill enemies simply with your weapons and avoid using Javelin skills or melee attacks. The different weapons are random enemy drops and mission rewards. The fastest way to farm kills is in the open world on piece of cake difficulty. There are lots of enemies found in Eastern Reach region. Yous can farm 100 kills for two weapons in nigh 10 minutes + 5 minutes loading times, changing weapons and traveling dorsum. That'south roughly vii.5 minutes per weapon.

Cannon Connoisseur
Complete 3 Autocannon I Challenges
At that place are 3 Autocannons in Canticle. You lot must kill fifty enemies with each of them to consummate the offset challenge of all 3:
  • Torrent I = fifty Enemies Defeated
  • Atrophy I = fifty Enemies Defeated
  • Mauler I = 50 Enemies Defeated

The progress can exist tracked under Challenges > Weapons. When you've done enough kills with a weapon pick a new 1 for the next mission. To brand this get faster, kill enemies merely with your weapons and avoid using Javelin skills or melee attacks. The different weapons are random enemy drops and mission rewards. The fastest manner to farm kills is in the open world on like shooting fish in a barrel difficulty. There are lots of enemies constitute in Eastern Achieve region. You can farm 100 kills for 2 weapons in virtually 10 minutes + 5 minutes loading times, changing weapons and traveling back. That's roughly 7.v minutes per weapon.

Grenade Guru
Complete iii Grenade Launcher I Challenges
There are 3 Grenade Launchers in Anthem. Y'all must kill 50 enemies with each of them to complete the first claiming of all 3:
  • Lurker I = fifty Enemies Defeated
  • Aftershock I = 50 Enemies Defeated
  • Bombardier I = 50 Enemies Defeated

The progress can exist tracked under Challenges > Weapons. When you've done enough kills with a weapon pick a new one for the next mission. To make this go faster, kill enemies only with your weapons and avoid using Javelin skills or melee attacks. The unlike weapons are random enemy drops and mission rewards. The fastest way to farm kills is in the open up world on like shooting fish in a barrel difficulty. In that location are lots of enemies found in Eastern Reach region. You lot can subcontract 100 kills for 2 weapons in most 10 minutes + 5 minutes loading times, irresolute weapons and traveling back. That's roughly 7.5 minutes per weapon.

Arms Merchant
Complete 12 Ranger Gear I Challenges
The Ranger is 1 of 4 Javelins (character classes) in the game. Each grade has thirteen Challenges. Each Claiming requires y'all to play four matches or world events with a certain piece of gear equipped. You become the gear as random mission rewards and enemy drops. Keep in mind you lot can equip iii pieces of gear simultaneously and it adds challenge progress towards each of them (two weapon gear and ane back up gear). The fastest manner is to do as many of these while playing through every unique mission, then grinding out the residue by replaying short missions on easy difficulty. Remember to modify your gear afterwards 4 matches at the forge to equip the next 3 items. There's only two pieces of gear that tin go in the back up slot but 5 pieces of primary and secondary attack gear. In total you must practice at to the lowest degree twenty missions with each course (80 missions full) if y'all change gear every 4 matches. Do note that already completed challenges go listed nether a different tab called "Completed Challenges".

All 13 Ranger Gear I Challenges:

  • Bulwark Point I = Completed 4 Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Frag Grenade I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Seeking Missile I = Completed four Missions or Globe Events with this gear equipped
  • Blast Missile I = Completed iv Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Frost Grenade I = Completed iv Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Inferno Grenade I = Completed 4 Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Muster Betoken I = Completed iv Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Pulse Boom I = Completed iv Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Ranger Gear I Main = Complete all other 12 Challenges
  • Seeker Grenades I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Spark Beam I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Sticky Grenade I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Venom Darts I = Completed four Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
Munitions Maestro
Complete 12 Colossus Gear I Challenges
The Colossus is 1 of 4 Javelins (grapheme classes) in the game. Each class has 13 Challenges. Each Challenge requires you to play 4 matches or world events with a sure piece of gear equipped. Y'all get the gear as random mission rewards and enemy drops. Proceed in mind you can equip iii pieces of gear simultaneously and information technology adds challenge progress towards each of them (2 weapon gear and 1 support gear). The fastest style is to do as many of these while playing through every unique mission, then grinding out the balance by replaying short missions on easy difficulty. Remember to change your gear after 4 matches at the forge to equip the next 3 items. There'southward only 2 pieces of gear that can go in the support slot but 5 pieces of primary and secondary set on gear. In full you must do at to the lowest degree twenty missions with each class (80 missions total) if you change gear every iv matches. Do notation that already completed challenges become listed under a unlike tab called "Completed Challenges".

All 13 Colossus Gear I Challenges:

  • Battle Cry I = Completed four Missions or Globe Events with this gear equipped
  • Colossus Gear I Chief = Completed all other 12 challenges
  • Firewall Mortar I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Flak Cannon I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Lightning Coil I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Railgun I = Completed four Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Siege Cannon I = Completed iv Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Venom Splitter I = Completed 4 Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Outburst Mortar I = Completed four Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Flamethrower I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Stupor Curlicue I = Completed 4 Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Loftier-Explosive Mortar I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Shield Pulse I = Completed iv Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
Seal Savant
Complete 12 Storm Gear I Challenges
The Storm is 1 of 4 Javelins (character classes) in the game. Each class has 13 Challenges. Each Challenge requires you lot to play 4 matches or world events with a sure piece of gear equipped. Y'all get the gear as random mission rewards and enemy drops. Go along in heed you can equip 3 pieces of gear simultaneously and it adds challenge progress towards each of them (ii weapon gear and one support gear). The fastest way is to do as many of these while playing through every unique mission, then grinding out the rest past replaying short missions on easy difficulty. Remember to change your gear after 4 matches at the forge to equip the adjacent 3 items. There's only 2 pieces of gear that tin get in the back up slot but 5 pieces of primary and secondary assault gear. In full you must do at to the lowest degree 20 missions with each form (80 missions total) if you modify gear every 4 matches. Do notation that already completed challenges go listed nether a different tab chosen "Completed Challenges".

All 13 Tempest Gear I Challenges:

  • Frost Shards I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Lightning Strike I = Completed four Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Air current Wall I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Arc Burst I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Called-for Orb I = Completed 4 Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Flame Burst I = Completed 4 Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Glacial Spear I = Completed four Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Ice Blast I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Water ice Tempest I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Living Flame I = Completed four Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Quickening Field I = Completed iv Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Stupor Burst I = Completed iv Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Storm Gear I Primary = Completed all other 12 challenges
Gadgets Galore
Consummate 12 Interceptor Gear I Challenges
The Interceptor is 1 of 4 Javelins (character classes) in the game. Each form has xiii Challenges. Each Challenge requires you to play iv matches or globe events with a certain piece of gear equipped. You get the gear as random mission rewards and enemy drops. Proceed in heed you tin can equip 3 pieces of gear simultaneously and it adds challenge progress towards each of them (two weapon gear and i support gear). The fastest way is to practise as many of these while playing through every unique mission, and then grinding out the residuum by replaying brusque missions on like shooting fish in a barrel difficulty. Remember to modify your gear afterwards iv matches at the forge to equip the side by side 3 items. There's only 2 pieces of gear that can go in the support slot simply 5 pieces of principal and secondary assail gear. In total yous must do at least 20 missions with each class (eighty missions full) if you alter gear every 4 matches. Do note that already completed challenges get listed under a different tab called "Completed Challenges".

All 13 Interceptor Gear I Challenges:

  • Target Beacon I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Spark Nuance I = Completed 4 Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Wraith Strike I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Plasma Star I = Completed iv Missions or Globe Events with this gear equipped
  • Venom Flop I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Cluster Mine I = Completed iv Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Cryo Glaive I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Detonating Strike I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Interceptor Gear I Chief = Completed all other 12 challenges
  • Rally Cry I = Completed 4 Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Searching Glaive I = Completed 4 Missions or Earth Events with this gear equipped
  • Storm Strike I = Completed four Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
  • Venom Spray I = Completed four Missions or World Events with this gear equipped
Explorer: High Road
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in High Road.

#1 – District: Tarsis Falls – 0:05
#2 – District: Trasis Bypass – 0:18
#3 – Commune: Watchtower of Arath – 0:37
#4 – Landmark: The Last Sentinel – 0:56
#five – Commune: The Tower Route – 1:eighteen
#half dozen – District: The Hureen Slide – 1:36
#7 – Commune: Snake'south View – 1:58
#eight – District: Giant's Crossroads – 2:12

Explorer: Academy Ruins
Discover all districts, landmarks, and subconscious places in Academy Ruins.

#1 – District: Tarsis Woods – 0:05
#ii – District: The Bullet Mires – 0:21
#3 – District: Moonpod Lagoon – 0:34
#four – District: The Garrison At Velathra – 0:46
#5 – Landmark: The Garrison – 0:57
#vi – Hidden Place: The Hollow – i:17
#seven – District: Sanadeen's Pass – 1:32
#8 – District: Exiles Arch – 1:47
#nine – District: Praedean Falls – 2:02
#x – Commune: Observatory of Velathra – 2:thirteen
#11 – Landmark: Ring Gate – ii:29
#12 – Landmark: Astronomy Tower – 2:45
#thirteen – District: The Solarium Court – iii:06
#14 – District: Showtime Refuge – 3:22
#xv – Landmark: Radio Tower – 3:34

Explorer: Monument Sentinel
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Monument Sentinel.

#1 – Landmark: The Monument – 0:05
#2 – Landmark: The Drill – 0:36
#3 – Subconscious Place: The Bane Engine – 0:54
#4 – District: The Iron Ophidian – 1:11

Explorer: Fortress of Dawn
Detect all districts, landmarks, and subconscious places in Fortress of Dawn.

#1 – District: Morning'due south Edge – 0:05
#ii – District: Crosslands – 0:21
#3 – Commune: Legionnaire'south Ravine – 0:35
#4 – District: Legion's Plateau – 0:48
#5 – District: Fortress of Dawn – i:01
#half dozen – Landmark: The Fortress of Dawn – 1:22
#7 – District: Darkwood Barrens – 1:38
#8 – Landmark: Vassa's Style – ane:55
#9 – Hidden Identify: The Dungeon – 2:sixteen

Explorer: Ruins of Shadowmark
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Ruins of Shadowmark.

#1 – District: Tracks of Midderon – 0:05
#two – District: Strider Aisle – 0:28
#3 – District: Shadowmark – 0:42
#iv – Landmark: Sunken Gardens – 1:00
#5 – District: Helena's Walk – 1:29
#6 – District: The Dawn Gates – 1:44
#seven – Landmark: Wrecked Gazebo – 1:57
#viii – Landmark: Shadow Lock – two:xiv
#ix – District: North Rock – 2:37
#10 – District: Crescent Lake – 2:49
#11 – Hidden Place: The Sovereign Mine – 3:04
#12 – Subconscious Identify: The Vault – 3:19

Explorer: Valley of Tarsis
Discover all districts, landmarks, and subconscious places in Valley of Tarsis.

#1 – District: Memorial Gate – 0:05
#2 – Commune: Strider Way – 0:19
#3 – District: The Crop Terraces – 0:36
#iv – Landmark: Howel'southward Belfry – 0:l
#v – District: Governor Springs – one:07
#6 – District: Honor Valley – 1:21
#7 – Landmark: The Workshop – one:34
#8 – Landmark: Honour Valley Dam – 1:53
#9 – District: The Palisades of Idris (Spires of the Ancient) – ii:12
#10 – Landmark: Rock Bridge – 2:24
#xi – Hidden Place: The Haven – 2:39
#12 – Landmark: The True-blue (The Hound) – 3:xiii
#13 – District: Southern Achieve – 3:33
#fourteen – Landmark: The Antium Lock – 3:47

Explorer: Great Falls Canyon
Discover all districts, landmarks, and subconscious places in Great Falls Canyon.

#1 – Commune: The Bowl – 0:05
#2 – Commune: Gathering Falls – 0:twenty
#iii – District: Tears of Liaterelle – 0:36
#iv – Commune: Eddian Grove – 0:50
#v – Landmark: The Great Eddian – one:10
#6 – District: The Double Cross – ane:39
#seven – Commune: Korox Shallows – ane:56
#8 – Landmark: The Wedged Key – two:12
#nine – District: Blackshore – 2:38
#10 – Hidden Place: The Mandible – ii:56
#11 – Scar Belfry – 3:10

Explorer: Emerald Abyss
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Emerald Abyss.

#1 – District: Abyssal Loch – 0:05
#2 – District: The Guardians of Dunar – 0:18
#iii – District: Mentor'due south Trail – 0:33
#4 – Hidden Place: The Foundry – 0:51
#5 – Landmark: West Valve – 1:09
#6 – District: The Sanctuary of Dunar – 1:xxx
#7 – Landmark: Sanctuary Ruins – 1:46
#8 – District: Dark Canopy – ii:ten
#9 – Commune: Arden'south Road – 2:24
#10 – Landmark: East Valve – ii:47

Explorer: Due east Gate
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Eastward Gate.

#1 – District: Silent Path – 0:05
#2 – Commune: Lover's Jump – 0:xviii
#iii – District: Skystone Mine – 0:32
#four – Hidden Place: The Necropolis – 0:49
#five – District: Skystone Laissez passer – 1:eleven
#6 – Landmark: Scar Mast – 1:24
#7 – Landmark: Skystone Lock – 1:47
#8 – Landmark: Mining Platform – ii:05

Explorer: Eastern Reach
Detect all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Eastern Accomplish.

#i – District: The Pistons – 0:05
#2 – District: Headless Hollow – 0:21
#three – District: Scar's Duskheap – 0:39
#4 – Landmark: Scar Couch – 0:52
#5 – District: Stinging Gulch – 1:07
#half dozen – District: The Phantom Crag – 1:29
#7 – District: Lost Road – 1:43
#8 – District: Junkhead Basin – two:02
#ix – Landmark: The Mining Platform (Convector Henge) – ii:16
#10 – Subconscious Place: The Shrine – ii:31
#11 – District: The Breach – 2:48
#12 – Landmark: The Hate Engine – two:59

Freelancer Loyalty 3
Complete tasks to help the Freelancer cause.
See trophy "Watch Loyalty 3"
Arcanist Loyalty 3
Complete tasks to aid the Arcanist cause.
Run across bays "Lookout Loyalty 3"
Sentinel Loyalty 3
Complete tasks to aid the Picket cause.
There are 3 factions in the game: Freelancer, Arcanist, Sentinel.

Y'all must reach Loyalty Level 3 with all of them. You go XP with these factions past doing their contracts, from talking to people at Fort Tarsis, from collectibles and other open world activities. You can go on runway of this progress nether Challenges > Factions.

Be sure to talk to everyone betwixt missions. It doesn't add together much XP but it'due south ameliorate than nothing and y'all can quickly skip the dialogues. Doing contracts for each faction gives the most. Collectibles and some other open up world activities too add XP. While finding all Collectibles for trophy "No Stone Unturned" you will earn a fair chunk of XP towards this.

In order to unlock the trophy you lot don't but have to reach Level three, yous have to completely fill the Level three Loyalty bar (3000 XP). By the fourth dimension you have all other trophies you should be loyalty level iii with all factions automatically, but if not  only replay contracts or do open globe events to grind out the remaining loyalty XP. Having finished the level 3 loyalty unlocks "Legendary Contracts" with the corresponding faction in the endgame.


  • Exercise contracts for Yarrow / from his contract board in the basement of Fort Tarsis
  • Detect new locations in the open world
  • Talk to people in Fort Tarsis
  • Complete earth events in freeplay
  • Find Collectibles


  • Do contracts for Matthias / from contract board next to Matthias in building by the fountain
  • Loot Treasure Chests in the open earth
  • Talk to people in Fort Tarsis
  • Complete world events in freeplay
  • Discover Collectibles


  • Do contracts for Tassyn & Brin / from contract board side by side to Brin by the fountain.
  • Harvest materials (plants, minerals etc.)
  • Talk to people in Fort Tarsis
  • Complete world events in freeplay
  • Observe Collectibles


What Level Do You Get Legendary Gear in Anthem UPDATED

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